Structural Plasticity in Arbor

In this tutorial, we are going to demonstrate how a network can be built using plasticity and homeostatic connection rules. Despite not playing towards Arbor’s strengths, we choose a LIF (Leaky Integrate and Fire) neuron model, as we are primarily interested in examining the required scaffolding.

We will build up the simulation in stages, starting with an unconnected network and finishing with a dynamically built connectome.

Concepts and Requirements

We cover some advanced topics in this tutorial, mainly structural plasticity. Please refer to other tutorials for the basics of network building. The model employed here — storing an explicit connection matrix — is not advisable in most scenarios.

In addition to Arbor and its requirements, scipy, matplotlib, and networkx need to be installed.

Unconnected Network

Consider a collection of N LIF cells. This will be the starting point for our exploration. For now, we set up each cell with a Poissonian input such that it will produce spikes periodically at a low frequency.

The Python file is the scaffolding we will build our simulation around and thus contains some passages that might seem redundant now, but will be helpful in later steps.

We begin by defining the global settings:

# global parameters
# cell count
N = 10
# total runtime [ms]
T = 1000
# one interval [ms]
t_interval = 10
# numerical time step [ms]
dt = 0.1
  • N is the cell count of the simulation.

  • T is the total runtime of the simulation in ms.

  • t_interval defines the _interval_ such that the simulation advances in discrete steps [0, 1, 2, ...] t_interval. Later, this will be the timescale of plasticity.

  • dt is the numerical timestep on which cells evolve.

These parameters are used here:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    rec = unconnected(N)
    sim = A.simulation(rec)

    t = 0
    while t < T:
        t += t_interval *, dt *

    plot_spikes(sim, rec.num_cells(), t_interval, T, prefix="01-")

where we run the simulation in increments of t_interval.

Back to the recipe, we set a prototypical cell:

        self.cell = A.lif_cell("src", "tgt")

and deliver it for all gid:

    def cell_description(self, gid: int):
        return self.cell

Also, each cell has an event generator attached, using a Poisson point process seeded with the cell’s gid.

    def event_generators(self, gid: int):
        return [
                A.poisson_schedule(freq=self.gen_freq, seed=self.cell_seed(gid)),

All other parameters are set in the constructor:

    def __init__(self, N) -> None:
        self.N = N
        # Cell prototype
        self.cell = A.lif_cell("src", "tgt")
        # random seed [0, 100]
        self.seed = 42
        # event generator parameters
        self.gen_weight = 20
        self.gen_freq = 1 * U.kHz

We also proceed to add spike recording and generate plots using a helper function plot_spikes from You can skip the following details for now and come back later if you are interested in how it works. Rates are computed by binning spikes into t_interval and the neuron id; the mean rate is the average across the neurons smoothed using a Savitzky-Golay filter (scipy.signal.savgol_filter).

We plot per-neuron and mean rates:


We also generate raster plots via scatter:


A Randomly Wired Network

We use inheritance to derive a new recipe that contains all the functionality of the `unconnected recipe. We then add a random connectivity matrix during construction, fix connection weights, and deliver the resulting connections via the connections_on callback, with the only extra consideration of allowing multiple connections between two neurons.

In detail, the recipe stores the connection matrix, the current incoming/outgoing connections per neuron, and the maximum for both directions

        # format [to, from]
        self.connections = np.zeros(shape=(N, N), dtype=np.uint8) = np.zeros(N, np.uint8)
        self.out = np.zeros(N, np.uint8)
        self.max_inc = 4
        self.max_out = 4

The connection matrix is used to construct connections,

    def connections_on(self, gid: int):
        return [
            A.connection((source, "src"), "tgt", self.syn_weight, self.syn_delay)
            for source in range(self.N)
            for _ in range(self.connections[gid, source])

together with the fixed connection parameters:

        self.syn_weight = 80
        self.syn_delay = 0.5 *

We define helper functions add|del_connections to manipulate the connection table while upholding these invariants:

  • no self-connections, i.e., connection[i, i] == 0

  • inc[i] the sum of connections[:, i]

  • no more incoming connections than allowed by max_inc, i.e., inc[i] <= max_inc

  • out[i] the sum of connections[i, :]

  • no more outgoing connections than allowed by max_out, i.e., out[i] <= max_out

These methods return True on success and False otherwise.

    def add_connection(self, src: int, tgt: int) -> bool:
        if tgt == src or[tgt] >= self.max_inc or self.out[src] >= self.max_out:
            return False[tgt] += 1
        self.out[src] += 1
        self.connections[tgt, src] += 1
        return True

    def del_connection(self, src: int, tgt: int) -> bool:
        if tgt == src or self.connections[tgt, src] <= 0:
            return False[tgt] -= 1
        self.out[src] -= 1
        self.connections[tgt, src] -= 1
        return True

Both are used in rewire to produce a random connection matrix.

    def rewire(self):
        tries = self.N * self.N * self.max_inc * self.max_out
        while (
            tries > 0
            and < self.N * self.max_inc
            and self.out.sum() < self.N * self.max_out
            src, tgt = np.random.randint(self.N, size=2, dtype=int)
            self.add_connection(src, tgt)
            tries -= 1

We then proceed to run the simulation:


Note that we added a plot of the network connectivity using plot_network from util as well. This generates images of the graph and connection matrix.


Adding Homeostasis

Under the homeostatic model, each cell was a setpoint for the firing rate \(\nu^*\) which is used to determine the creation or destruction of synaptic connections via

\[\frac{dC}{dt} = \alpha(\nu - \nu^*).\]

Thus we need to add some extra information to our simulation, namely the setpoint \(\nu^*_i\) for each neuron \(i\) and the sensitivity parameter \(\alpha\). We will also use a simplified version of the differential equation above, namely adding/deleting exactly one connection if the difference of observed to desired spiking frequency exceeds \(\pm\alpha\). This is both for simplicity and to avoid sudden changes in the network structure.

As before, we set up global parameters:

# global parameters
# cell count
N = 10
# total runtime [ms]
T = 10000
# one interval [ms]
t_interval = 100
# numerical time step [ms]
dt = 0.1
# Set seed for numpy
np.random.seed = 23
# setpoint rate in kHz
setpoint_rate = 0.1
# sensitivty towards deviations from setpoint
sensitivity = 200

and prepare our simulation:

    rec = homeostatic_network(N, setpoint_rate, sensitivity)
    sim = A.simulation(rec)

Note that our new recipe is almost unaltered from the random network.

class homeostatic_network(random_network):
    def __init__(self, N, setpoint_rate, sensitivity) -> None:
        self.max_inc = 8
        self.max_out = 8
        self.setpoint = setpoint_rate
        self.alpha = sensitivity

All changes are contained in the way we run the simulation. To add a further interesting feature, we skip the rewiring for the first half of the simulation. The initial network is unconnected, but could be populated randomly (or any other way) if desired by calling self.rewire() in the constructor of homeostatic_network before setting the maxima to eight.

Plasticity is implemented by tweaking the connection table inside the recipe between calls to run and calling simulation.update with the modified recipe:


<<<<<<< HEAD .. note:

As it is the central point here, it is worth emphasizing why this yields a
changed network. The call to ``sim.update(rec)`` causes Arbor to internally
re-build the connection table from scratch based on the data returned by
``rec.connections_on``. However, here, this method just inspects the matrix
in ``rec.connections`` and converts the data into a ``arbor.connection``.
Thus, changing this matrix before ``update`` will build a different network.

Important caveats:

- without ``update``, changes to the recipe have no effect.
- vice versa ``update`` has no effect if the recipe doesn't return a different
  data than before.
- ``update`` will delete all existing connections and their parameters, so
  all connections to be kept must be explicitly re-instantiated.
- ``update`` will **not** delete synapses or their state, e.g., ODEs will
  still be integrated even if not connected and currents might be produced;
- neither synapses/targets nor detectors/sources can be altered. Create all
  endpoints up front.
- only the network is updated (this might change in future versions!).
- be very aware that ``connections_on`` might be called in arbitrary order
  and by multiple (potentially different) threads and processes! This
  requires some thought and synchronization when dealing with random numbers
  and updating data *inside* ``connections_on``.

Changes are based on the difference from the current rate we compute from the spikes during the last interval, ||||||| parent of df94162f (Final thoughts and warnings.) Changes are based on the difference of current rate we compute from the spikes during the last interval ======= .. note:

As it is the central point here, it is worth emphasizing why this yields a
changed network. The call to ``sim.update(rec)`` causes Arbor to internally
re-build the connection table from scratch based on the data returned by
``rec.connections_on``. However, here, this method just inspects the matrix
in ``rec.connections`` and converts the data into a ``arbor.connection``.
Thus, changing this matrix before ``update`` will build a different network.

Important caveats:

- without ``update``, changes to the recipe have no effect
- vice versa ``update`` has no effect if the recipe doesn't return different
  data than before
- ``update`` will delete all existing connections and their parameters, so
  all connections to be kept must be explicitly re-instantiated
- ``update`` will **not** delete synapses or their state, e.g. ODEs will
  still be integrated even if not connected and currents might be produced
- neither synapses/targets nor detectors/sources can be altered. Create all
  endpoints up front.
- only the network is updated (this might change in future versions!)
- be very aware that ``connections_on`` might be called in arbitrary order
  and by multiples (potentially different) threads and processes! This
  requires some thought and synchronization when dealing with random numbers
  and updating data *inside* ``connections_on``.

Changes are based on the difference of current rate we compute from the spikes during the last interval >>>>>>> df94162f (Final thoughts and warnings.)

        rates = np.zeros(N)
        for (gid, _), time in sim.spikes():
            if time < t:
            rates[gid] += 1
        rates /= t_interval  # kHz

and the setpoint times the sensitivity.

        dC = ((rec.setpoint - rates) * rec.alpha).astype(int)

Then, each potential pairing of target and source is checked in random order for whether adding or removing a connection is required:

        for tgt in randrange(N):
            if dC[tgt] == 0:
            for src in randrange(N):
                if dC[tgt] > 0 and rec.add_connection(src, tgt):
                    added.append((src, tgt))
                elif dC[tgt] < 0 and rec.del_connection(src, tgt):
                    deled.append((src, tgt))

If we find an option to fulfill that requirement, we do so and proceed to the next target. The randomization is important here, especially for adding connections to avoid biases, in particular when there are too few eligible connection partners. The randrange function produces a shuffled range [0, N). We leverage the helper functions from the random network recipe to manipulate the connection table, see the discussion above.

Finally, we plot spiking rates as before; the jump at the half-way point is the effect of the plasticity activating after which each neuron moves to the setpoint.


And the resulting network:



This concludes our foray into structural plasticity. While the building blocks

  • an explicit representation of the connections;

  • running the simulation in batches (and calling simulation.update!);

  • a rule to derive the change;

will likely be the same in all approaches, the concrete implementation of the rules is the centerpiece here. For example, although spike rate homeostasis was used here, mechanism states and ion concentrations — extracted via the normal probe and sample interface — can be leveraged to build rules. Due to the way the Python interface is required to link to measurements, using the C++ API for access to streaming spike and measurement data could help to address performance issues. Plasticity as shown also meshes with the high-level connection builder. External tools to build and update connections might be useful as well.