
While not a fileformat on its own, checkpoints allow users to dump a snapshot of the simulation state for a later time. This is not intended for data extraction (see Probing and Sampling for this functionality), but instead a reset the simulation state to this point in time. The saved data is not a complete image of the state, but strives to be a minimal subset from which to restore (see below).

Checkpoints are currently not portable; i.e. the following constraints apply:

  1. The recipe class must be the same across serialize / deserialize Unfortunately, we cannot enforce this at runtime, since we lack the appropriate introspection capabilities in C++/Python.

  2. Likewise, context and domain_decomposition must be identical. Again we cannot validate this, since we’d either stop migration between ranks or would have to instantiate and sort every local domain decomposition across all ranks.

  3. The hardware configuration must be identical: SIMD, GPU, and Scalar CPU code have different binary layouts which makes serializing across hardware settings invalid.

Thus, the recommended approach is to treat a simulation ‘script’ (.cxx / .py), the parallel-runtime parameters (think mpirun) and the associated snapshots as a single unit.


While this functionality can quite obviously be abused to mutate certain variable out-of-band, we strongly advise against it.


In Python serialization is performed by calling the serialize method on a simulation object. Currently only support for (de)serialization from/to JSON strings is offered. The general usage is show in the examples below; we assume some familiarity with the recipe interface:

import arbor as A

rec = my_recipe()
sim = A.simulation(rec)
jsn = sim.serialize()

In C++, the interface is a bit more flexible. Checkpoints are independent of the storage engine used, which allows for multiple backends. Also, (de)serialization is done via freestanding methods. Example:

// Storage engine, pluggable. See below.
auto writer = io{};
// Serializer object using the engine.
auto serializer = arb::serializer{writer};

// Construct a simulation.
auto model = recipe{};
auto ctx = arb::make_context();
auto ddc = arb::partition_load_balance(model, ctx);
auto simulation = arb::simulation{model, ddc, ctx};

// Run forwards, snapshot state., dt);
serialize(serializer, simulation);
// Then run some more, ...*T, dt);

// ... rewind to time T...
deserialize(serializer, simulation);
// ... and run the same segment again.*T, dt);

// At this point the results obtained in the two time segments
// [T, 2T) should be identical.

Note that we left the definition of io open, as serializer uses it through a well-defined interface (see next section). Thus, one can simply add new implementations. Arbor currently ships with arborio::json_serdes that produces JSON output, more might be added over time.

Writing your own Storage Engine (C++ only)#

A storage engine is used to construct the serializer and is responsible for writing out the data to whatever format and location required. Currently Arbor offers a JSON engine in arborio/json_serdes.hpp which produces a JSON value in memory. The serializer is polymorphic in the actual engine, which is only required to implement the following interface.

struct interface {
    virtual void write(const key_type&, std::string) = 0;
    virtual void write(const key_type&, double) = 0;
    virtual void write(const key_type&, long long) = 0;
    virtual void write(const key_type&, unsigned long long) = 0;

    virtual void read(const key_type&, std::string&) = 0;
    virtual void read(const key_type&, double&) = 0;
    virtual void read(const key_type&, long long&) = 0;
    virtual void read(const key_type&, unsigned long long&) = 0;

    virtual std::optional<key_type> next_key() = 0;

    virtual void begin_write_map(const key_type&) = 0;
    virtual void end_write_map() = 0;
    virtual void begin_write_array(const key_type&) = 0;
    virtual void end_write_array() = 0;

    virtual void begin_read_map(const key_type&) = 0;
    virtual void end_read_map() = 0;
    virtual void begin_read_array(const key_type&) = 0;
    virtual void end_read_array() = 0;

    virtual ~interface() = default;

The read and write methods are responsible for inserting and extracting the relevant items. The begin_write_array and end_write_array methods bracket a write of an array value and announce that the following keys are to be interpreted as integer indices. Analogous for the map counterparts and the associated begin_read and end_read methods. Finally, next_key is used during reading of containers to retrieve an optional next key and advanced the internal iterator. If empty, the container is exhausted, else the contained key can be used to retrieve the associated value. See examples below and the JSON interface in arborio.

Adding Snapshotting to new Objects (C++ only)#

This is not available at the Python interface, due to a mismatch in features at the level of languages and binings generation.

All that is needed is to implement new overloads of the functions read and write. For many C++ native types these exist, but some might be missing. Likewise, your own class hierarchy might need serialization. For a given type T the signatures are

template<typename K>
void serialize(serializer& ser, const K& k, const T& t);
template<typename K>
void deserialize(serializer& ser, const K& k, const T& t);

and the key type K must be converted to the internal key type arb::key_type. A convenience function key_type to_key(const K&) is offered which works for integral and string types.

Array-like values – eg vectors and similar – are stored like this

template <typename K,
          typename V,
          typename A>
void serialize(serializer& ser, const K& k, const std::vector<V, A>& vs) {
    for (std::size_t ix = 0; ix < vs.size(); ++ix) serialize(ser, ix, vs[ix]);

and similar for map-like types

template <typename K,
          typename Q,
          typename V>
void serialize(serializer& ser, const K& k, const std::map<Q, V>& v) {
    for (const auto& [q, w]: v) serialize(ser, q, w);

Reading data is a bit more involved, as writing data might be partial and work only in conjunction with proper setup beforehand. Thus, one needs to take care when overwriting values. The storage is polled for the next key using std::optional<key_type> next_key and the keys are converted using from_key to the native key type. Example

template <typename K,
          typename V,
          typename A>
void deserialize(serializer& ser, const K& k, std::vector<V, A>& vs) {
    for (std::size_t ix = 0;; ++ix) {
        auto q = ser.next_key();           // Poll next key
        if (!q) break;                     // if nil, there's no more data in store.
        if (ix < vs.size()) {              // if the index is already present
            deserialize(ser, ix, vs[ix]);  // hand the value to `read` to be modified
        else {                             // else create a new one.
            V val;
            deserialize(ser, ix, val);

For structures, use – where possible – the macro ARB_SERDES_ENABLE(type, field*) like this

struct T {
   std::string a;
   double b;
   std::vector<float> vs{1.0, 2.0, 3.0};

   ARB_SERDES_ENABLE(T, a, b, vs);

which will define the required functions. Likewise enum (class) is treated with ARB_SERDES_ENABLE_ENUM.


Only store mutable state required to reset to a given point. If values are constructed externally, don’t store them.

Do not store immutable or externally set items, that is

  • global constants

  • anything that will be constructed from the recipe: connections, cells, …

  • anything set by the user: samples, time step width, …

Do store mutable state, like

  • voltages, ion concentrations, current time, … (backends/*/shared_state.hpp)

  • mechanism state

  • events in flight

When dealing with polymorphism, add a trampoline like this

struct B {
    virtual void serialize(serializer& s, const std::string&) const = 0;
    virtual void deserialize(serializer& s, const std::string&) = 0;

void serialize(serializer& s, const std::string& k, const B& v) { v.serialize(s, k); }
void deserialize(serializer& s, const std::string& k, B& v) { v.deserialize(s, k); }

struct D: B {

    virtual void serialize(serializer& s, const std::string&) const override { serialize(s, k, *this); };
    virtual void deserialize(serializer& s, const std::string&) override { deserialize(s, k, *this); };