Declarative Connectivity in Arbor¶
Concepts and Requirements
We will assume that you have read the basic recipe and network tutorials.
In addition to Arbor and its requirements matplotlib
and networkx
need to be installed.
In this tutorial, we are going to demonstrate how to leverage Arbor’s declarative connection description facilities to generate a few common network types. We will gradually build up complexity and generally show the full recipe first before discussing some of the relevant parts. High-level connectivity descriptions can be more intuitive for some types of networks as well as more performant in Python simulations, as the construction is handled entirely in C++.
Prelude: Unconnected Cells¶
Before we start building actual networks, we will set up the trivial network, which has no connections at all. This will be written as a recipe class, as discussed in other tutorials, and later examples will derive from this class to build upon. If you want, you can skip this part and come back as needed.
Our cells comprise a simple leaky integrate and fire model, not a cable cell, as we want to emphasize building networks. We begin by defining the global settings:
# global parameters
# cell count
N = 5
# total runtime [ms]
T = 1000
# numerical time step [ms]
dt = 0.1
is the cell count of the simulation.T
is the total runtime of the simulation inms
is the numerical timestep on which cells evolve.
These parameters are used here:
if __name__ == "__main__":
rec = unconnected(N)
sim = A.simulation(rec)
sim.record(A.spike_recording.all) *, dt *
plot_spikes(sim, T, N, prefix="01-")
where we run the simulation. Before we discuss the relevant details, the recipe reads in full
class unconnected(A.recipe):
def __init__(self, N) -> None:
self.N = N
# Cell prototype
self.cell = A.lif_cell("src", "tgt")
# random seed [0, 100]
self.seed = 42
# event generator parameters
self.gen_weight = 20
self.gen_freq = 2.5 * U.kHz
def num_cells(self) -> int:
return self.N
def event_generators(self, gid: int):
if gid >= 1:
return []
seed = self.seed + gid * 100
return [
A.poisson_schedule(freq=self.gen_freq, seed=seed),
def cell_description(self, gid: int):
return self.cell
def cell_kind(self, gid: int) -> A.cell_kind:
return A.cell_kind.lif
In the recipe, we set a prototypical LIF cell:
self.cell = A.lif_cell("src", "tgt")
and deliver it for all gid
def cell_description(self, gid: int):
return self.cell
With large and complicated cells this can sometimes help with performance, here,
it’s just a convenient way to structure our recipe. Also, the first cell has
an event generator attached, a Poisson point process seeded with the
cell’s gid
def event_generators(self, gid: int):
if gid >= 1:
return []
seed = self.seed + gid * 100
return [
A.poisson_schedule(freq=self.gen_freq, seed=seed),
All other parameters are set in the constructor:
def __init__(self, N) -> None:
self.N = N
# Cell prototype
self.cell = A.lif_cell("src", "tgt")
# random seed [0, 100]
self.seed = 42
# event generator parameters
self.gen_weight = 20
self.gen_freq = 2.5 * U.kHz
We also proceed to add spike recording and generate raster plots using a helper
function plot_spikes
, which results in
As only the first cell receives spiking inputs, only it will show up on the plot.
Ring Network¶
Starting from an unconnected set of cells, we can now start building a simple
network. A ring structure is defined by connecting each cell to its predecessor,
i.e. the cell with gid = i
is connected to the cell with gid = i - 1
the cell gid = 0
is connected to the last cell gid = N - 1
We construct such a network by defining a new recpi ring
deriving from the
unconnected network
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import arbor as A
from arbor import units as U
from util import plot_spikes, plot_network
from unconnected import unconnected
# global parameters
# cell count
N = 5
# total runtime [ms]
T = 1000
# numerical time step [ms]
dt = 0.1
class ring(unconnected):
def __init__(self, N) -> None:
def network_description(self):
# network structure
wraps = f"(intersect (source-cell {self.N - 1}) (target-cell 0))"
cells = f"(gid-range 0 {self.N})"
chain = f"(chain {cells})"
ring = f"(join {chain} {wraps})"
# parameters
weight = "(scalar 199.99999219)"
delay = "(scalar 0.5)"
return A.network_description(ring, weight, delay, {})
if __name__ == "__main__":
ctx = A.context()
rec = ring(N)
sim = A.simulation(rec, ctx)
sim.record(A.spike_recording.all) *, dt *
plot_spikes(sim, T, N, prefix="02-")
plot_network(rec, prefix="02-")
The idiomatic way of extending classes with new functionality is to use inheritance. Importantly, the burden of initializing the base class falls on the derived class:
class ring(unconnected):
def __init__(self, N) -> None:
Next, we add a new method that is responsible for the network. Note that this
— in contrast to most other methods on recipe — does not have an argument of
, since it is definining the global network.
def network_description(self):
# network structure
wraps = f"(intersect (source-cell {self.N - 1}) (target-cell 0))"
cells = f"(gid-range 0 {self.N})"
chain = f"(chain {cells})"
ring = f"(join {chain} {wraps})"
# parameters
weight = "(scalar 199.99999219)"
delay = "(scalar 0.5)"
return A.network_description(ring, weight, delay, {})
Similar to the construction of a decor
or cv_policy
, a light-weight
language inspired by LISP or Scheme is used here. For this tutorial, we use
Python format strings to compose expressions. Networks comprise a structure and
parameters — weight
and delay
, which can be scalars as shown, or more
elaborate expressions, such a drawing from a random distribution.
The structure is defined in terms of combinators reminiscent of relational algebra queries operating on abstract sets of source and target identifiers.
construct a set of eligble sources and targets from a singlegid
defines a contiguous range of gids[start, end)
constructs the connections between thesource
constructs the set of connections between adjacent neighbours.join
takes two sub-structuresA
and returns their union.
Upon close inspection, these combinators directly spell out the prose description of the ring network given above: Connect adjacent cells and close the ring by connecting the beginning and end! Running the network and plotting the spikes we find cells deeper into the ring spiking now
The network structure is rendered via networkx
Excercise: All-to-all Network¶
Using the unconnected
recipe and the
network documentation
define a fully connected network, i.e. where each cell is connected to every other cell except itself.
can take a range of idsUse and intersection with
to remove self connections
Our solution produces the following output
The network should look like this
For reference, we reproduce it here:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import arbor as A
from arbor import units as U
from util import plot_spikes, plot_network
from unconnected import unconnected
# global parameters
# cell count
N = 5
# total runtime [ms]
T = 1000
# numerical time step [ms]
dt = 0.1
class all2all(unconnected):
def __init__(self, N) -> None:
def network_description(self):
# network structure
full = f"(intersect (inter-cell) (source-cell (gid-range 0 {self.N})) (target-cell (gid-range 0 {self.N})))"
# parameters
weight = "(scalar 125)"
delay = "(scalar 0.5)"
return A.network_description(full, weight, delay, {})
if __name__ == "__main__":
rec = all2all(N)
sim = A.simulation(rec)
sim.record(A.spike_recording.all) *, dt *
plot_spikes(sim, T, N, prefix="03-")
plot_network(rec, prefix="03-")
Brunel Network¶
The Brunel network, or in other words, a inhibition-dominated randomly connected recurrent network, is a common network structure used in computational neuroscience proposed by Nicolas Brunel in 2000. It contains sparsely connected inhibitory and excitatory neurons where a critical balance between inhibition and excitation inputs to each neuron is maintained to ensure a brain-realistic network-wide dynamics. It entails a few typical dynamics of cortical circuits.
Practically, we can describe this network by two populations, called the excitatory and inhibitory populations, such that
Each cell is connected to each other with some probablity \(0 < p < 1\) - There no self-connections
If the pre-synaptic cell is in the excitatory population, the weight is \(w_{exc} > 0\)
If the pre-synaptic cell is in the inhitatory population, the weight is \(w_{inh} < 0\) - \(|w_{inh}| < |w_{exc}|\)
The Brunel network simulation can be implemented like this
class brunel(unconnected):
def __init__(self, N) -> None:
# excitatory population: first 80% of the gids
self.n_exc = int(0.8 * N)
# inhibitory population: the remainder
self.n_inh = N - self.n_exc
# seed for random number generation
self.seed = 42
# excitatory weight
self.weight = 100
# relative weight of inhibitory connections
self.g = 0.8
# probability of connecting any two neurons
self.p = 0.1
again using the base class unconnected
to define everything except the
network. We implement these by writing down the rules above in the recipe
def network_description(self):
rand = f"""(intersect (inter-cell)
(random {self.seed} {self.p}))"""
inh = f"(gid-range {self.n_exc} {self.N})"
weight = f"""(if-else (source-cell {inh})
(scalar {self.g * self.weight})
(scalar {self.weight}))"""
delay = "(scalar 0.5)"
return A.network_description(rand, weight, delay, {})
The rand
structure encodes the random connectivity and removes any potential
self-connections by intersect
with inter-cell
, as before. Next, we
define the weight according the population of the pre-synaptic neuron. The
population is defined by the gid
of the neuron; the first 80% of cells is
considered excitatory and the remainder inhibitory. The predicate inh
reifies this description. The weight function weight
then dispatches to one
of two values based on the predicate.
Rendering the structure becomes slow and frankly unusable, but showing the adjacency matrix might be helpful
Note that rendering can be disabled, if things get too slow.
Final Thoughts¶
Using a few examples we have shown how Arbor’s high-level network description
method can be leveraged to generate common structures. The key insight is to
build complex layouts from atomic blocks by using set operators like join
, and intersect
. There are more to explore in the
documentation, be especially aware of stochastic distributions. We have also
seen how to produce weights and by extension delays using the same, declarative
approach. This functionality is quite young and if any useful additions come to
mind, do not hesitate to request or implement them!