
The recipe class documentation is below.

A recipe describes neuron models in a cell-oriented manner and supplies methods to provide cell information. Details on why Arbor uses recipes and general best practices can be found in Recipes.


class arbor.recipe

Describe a model by describing the cells and network, without any information about how the model is to be represented or executed.

All recipes derive from this abstract base class.

Recipes provide a cell-centric interface for describing a model. This means that model properties, such as connections, are queried using the global identifier (arbor.cell_member.gid) of a cell. In the description below, the term gid is used as shorthand for the cell with global identifier.

Required Member Functions

The following member functions (besides a constructor) must be implemented by every recipe:


The number of cells in the model.


The cell kind of the cell with global identifier arbor.cell_member.gid (return type: arbor.cell_kind).


A high level description of the cell with global identifier arbor.cell_member.gid, for example the morphology, synapses and ion channels required to build a multi-compartment neuron. The type used to describe a cell depends on the kind of the cell. The interface for querying the kind and description of a cell are separate to allow the cell type to be provided without building a full cell description, which can be very expensive.

Optional Member Functions


Returns a list of all the incoming connections to arbor.cell_member.gid. Each connection should have post-synaptic target connection.dest.gid that matches the argument arbor.cell_member.gid, and a valid synapse id connection.dest.index on arbor.cell_member.gid. See connection.

By default returns an empty list.


Returns a list of all the gap junctions connected to arbor.cell_member.gid. Each gap junction gj should have one of the two gap junction sites gj.local.gid or gj.peer.gid matching the argument arbor.cell_member.gid, and the corresponding synapse id gj.local.index or gj.peer.index should be valid on arbor.cell_member.gid. See gap_junction_connection.

By default returns an empty list.


A list of all the event_generator s that are attached to arbor.cell_member.gid.

By default returns an empty list.


The number of spike sources on arbor.cell_member.gid.

By default returns 0.


The number of post-synaptic sites on arbor.cell_member.gid, which corresponds to the number of synapses.

By default returns 0.


Returns the number of gap junction sites on arbor.cell_member.gid.

By default returns 0.


Returns a list containing (in order) all the probes on a given cell gid.

By default returns an empty list.


See Cells.


See Interconnectivity.


class arbor.probe

Describes the cell probe’s information.

arbor.cable_probe(kind, id, location)

Returns the description of a probe at an arbor.location on a cable cell with id available for monitoring data of voltage or current kind.

An example of a probe on a cable cell for measuring voltage at the soma reads as follows:

import arbor

id    = arbor.cell_member(0, 0) # cell 0, probe 0
loc   = arbor.location(0, 0)    # at the soma
probe = arbor.cable_probe('voltage', id, loc)

Event generator and schedules

class arbor.event_generator
event_generator(target, weight, schedule)

Construct an event generator for a target synapse with weight of the events to deliver based on a schedule (i.e., arbor.regular_schedule, arbor.explicit_schedule, arbor.poisson_schedule).


The target synapse of type arbor.cell_member.


The weight of events to deliver.

class arbor.regular_schedule

Describes a regular schedule with multiples of dt within the interval [tstart, tstop).

regular_schedule(tstart, dt, tstop)

Construct a regular schedule as list of times from tstart to tstop in dt time steps.

By default returns a schedule with tstart = tstop = None and dt = 0 ms.


The delivery time of the first event in the sequence [ms]. Must be non-negative or None.


The interval between time points [ms]. Must be non-negative.


No events delivered after this time [ms]. Must be non-negative or None.

events(t0, t1)

Returns a view of monotonically increasing time values in the half-open interval [t0, t1).

class arbor.explicit_schedule

Describes an explicit schedule at a predetermined (sorted) sequence of times.


Construct an explicit schedule.

By default returns a schedule with an empty list of times.


The list of non-negative times [ms].

events(t0, t1)

Returns a view of monotonically increasing time values in the half-open interval [t0, t1).

class arbor.poisson_schedule

Describes a schedule according to a Poisson process.

poisson_schedule(tstart, freq, seed)

Construct a Poisson schedule.

By default returns a schedule with events starting from tstart = 0 ms, with an expected frequency freq = 10 Hz and seed = 0.


The delivery time of the first event in the sequence [ms].


The expected frequency [Hz].


The seed for the random number generator.

events(t0, t1)

Returns a view of monotonically increasing time values in the half-open interval [t0, t1).

An example of an event generator reads as follows:

import arbor

# define a Poisson schedule with start time 1 ms, expected frequency of 5 Hz,
# and the target cell's gid as seed
target = arbor.cell_member(0,0)
seed   = target.gid
tstart = 1
freq   = 5
sched  = arbor.poisson_schedule(tstart, freq, seed)

# construct an event generator with this schedule on target cell and weight 0.1
w      = 0.1
gen    = arbor.event_generator(target, w, sched)


Below is an example of a recipe construction of a ring network of multi-compartmental cells. Because the interface for specifying cable morphology cells is under construction, the temporary helpers in cell_parameters and make_cable_cell for building cells are used.

import sys
import arbor

class ring_recipe (arbor.recipe):

    def __init__(self, n=4):
        # The base C++ class constructor must be called first, to ensure that
        # all memory in the C++ class is initialized correctly.
        self.ncells = n
        self.params = arbor.cell_parameters()

    # The num_cells method that returns the total number of cells in the model
    # must be implemented.
    def num_cells(self):
        return self.ncells

    # The cell_description method returns a cell
    def cell_description(self, gid):
        return arbor.make_cable_cell(gid, self.params)

    def num_targets(self, gid):
        return 1

    def num_sources(self, gid):
        return 1

    # The kind method returns the type of cell with gid.
    # Note: this must agree with the type returned by cell_description.
    def cell_kind(self, gid):
        return arbor.cell_kind.cable

    # Make a ring network
    def connections_on(self, gid):
        src = (gid-1)%self.ncells
        w = 0.01
        d = 10
        return [arbor.connection(arbor.cell_member(src,0), arbor.cell_member(gid,0), w, d)]

    # Attach a generator to the first cell in the ring.
    def event_generators(self, gid):
        if gid==0:
            sched = arbor.explicit_schedule([1])
            return [arbor.event_generator(arbor.cell_member(0,0), 0.1, sched)]
        return []

    def get_probes(self, id):
        loc = arbor.location(0, 0) # at the soma
        return [arbor.cable_probe('voltage', loc)]