
An Arbor recipe is a description of a model. The recipe is queried during the model building phase to provide information about cells in the model, such as:

  • the number of cells in the model;

  • the type of a cell;

  • a description of a cell, e.g. with soma, synapses, detectors, stimuli;

  • the number of spike targets;

  • the number of spike sources;

  • the number of gap junction sites;

  • incoming network connections from other cells terminating on a cell;

  • gap junction connections on a cell.

Why recipes?

The interface and design of Arbor recipes was motivated by the following aims:

  • Building a simulation from a recipe description must be possible in a distributed system efficiently with minimal communication.

  • To minimise the amount of memory used in model building, to make it possible to build and run simulations in one run.

Recipe descriptions are cell-oriented, in order that the building phase can be efficiently distributed and that the model can be built independently of any runtime execution environment.

During model building, the recipe is queried first by a load balancer, then later when building the low-level cell groups and communication network. The cell-centered recipe interface, whereby cell and network properties are specified “per-cell”, facilitates this.

The steps of building a simulation from a recipe are:

1. Load balancing

First, the cells are partitioned over MPI ranks, and each rank parses the cells assigned to it to build a cost model. The ranks then coordinate to redistribute cells over MPI ranks so that each rank has a balanced workload. Finally, each rank groups its local cells into cell_group s that balance the work over threads (and GPU accelerators if available).

2. Model building

The model building phase takes the cells assigned to the local rank, and builds the local cell groups and the part of the communication network by querying the recipe for more information about the cells assigned to it.


An example of how performance considerations impact Arbor’s architecture: you will notice cell kind and cell description are separately added to a recipe. Consider the following conversation between an Arbor simulation, recipe and hardware back-end:

Simulator: give me cell 37.
Recipe: here you go, it’s of C++ type s3cr1ts4uc3.
Simulator: wot? What is the cell kind for cell 37?
Recipe: it’s a foobar.
Simulator: Okay.
Cell group implementations: which one of you lot deals with foobars?
Foobar_GPUFTW_lolz: That’d be me, if we’ve got GPU enabled.
Simulator: Okay it’s up to you then to deal with this s3cr1ts4uc3 object.

General best practices

Think of the cells

When formulating a model, think cell-first, and try to formulate the model and the associated workflow from a cell-centred perspective. If this isn’t possible, please contact the developers, because we would like to develop tools that help make this simpler.

Be lazy

A recipe does not have to contain a complete description of the model in memory. Precompute as little as possible, and use lazy evaluation to generate information only when requested. This has multiple benefits, including:

  • thread safety;

  • minimising the memory footprint of the recipe.

Be reproducible

Arbor is designed to give reproducible results when the same model is run on a different number of MPI ranks or threads, or on different hardware (e.g. GPUs). This only holds when a recipe provides a reproducible model description, which can be a challenge when a description uses random numbers, e.g. to pick incoming connections to a cell from a random subset of a cell population. To get a reproducible model, use the cell gid (or a hash based on the gid) to seed random number generators, including those for event_generator s.