
From recipe to simulation

To build a simulation the following concepts are needed:

The workflow to build a simulation is to first generate an arbor.domain_decomposition based on the arbor.recipe and arbor.context describing the distribution of the model over the local and distributed hardware resources (see Domain decomposition). Then, the simulation is build using this arbor.domain_decomposition.

import arbor

# Get a communication context (with 4 threads, no GPU)
context = arbor.context(threads=4, gpu_id=None)

# Initialise a recipe of user defined type my_recipe with 100 cells.
n_cells = 100
recipe = my_recipe(n_cells)

# Get a description of the partition of the model over the cores.
decomp = arbor.partition_load_balance(recipe, context)

# Instatitate the simulation.
sim = arbor.simulation(recipe, decomp, context)

# Run the simulation for 2000 ms with time stepping of 0.025 ms
tSim = 2000
dt = 0.025, dt)
class arbor.simulation

The executable form of a model. A simulation is constructed from a recipe, and then used to update and monitor the model state.

Simulations take the following inputs:

The constructor takes

Simulations provide an interface for executing and interacting with the model:

  • Advance the model state from one time to another and reset the model state to its original state before simulation was started.

  • Sample the simulation state during the execution (e.g. compartment voltage and current) and generate spike output by using an I/O interface.


simulation(recipe, domain_decomposition, context)

Initialize the model described by an arbor.recipe, with cells and network distributed according to arbor.domain_decomposition, and computational resources described by arbor.context.

Updating Model State:


Reset the state of the simulation to its initial state.

run(tfinal, dt)

Run the simulation from current simulation time to tfinal, with maximum time step size dt.

  • tfinal – The final simulation time [ms].

  • dt – The time step size [ms].

set_binning_policy(policy, bin_interval)

Set the binning policy for event delivery, and the binning time interval bin_interval if applicable [ms].

  • policy – The binning policy of type binning.

  • bin_interval – The binning time interval [ms].


class binning

Enumeration for event time binning policy.


No binning policy.


Round time down to multiple of binning interval.


Round times down to previous event if within binning interval.

Recording spikes

In order to analyze the simulation output spikes can be recorded.


class arbor.spike

Construct a spike.


The spike source (type: arbor.cell_member).


The spike time [ms].

class arbor.spike_recorder

Initialize the spike recorder.


The recorded spikes (type: spike).

I/O interface:


Attach a spike recorder to an arbor simulation sim. The recorder that is returned will record all spikes generated after it has been attached (spikes generated before attaching are not recorded).

import arbor

# Instatitate the simulation.
sim = arbor.simulation(recipe, decomp, context)

# Build the spike recorder
recorder = arbor.attach_spike_recorder(sim)

# Run the simulation for 2000 ms with time stepping of 0.025 ms
tSim = 2000
dt = 0.025, dt)

# Print the spikes and according spike time
for s in recorder.spikes:
>>> <arbor.spike: source (0,0), time 2.15168 ms>
>>> <arbor.spike: source (1,0), time 14.5235 ms>
>>> <arbor.spike: source (2,0), time 26.9051 ms>
>>> <arbor.spike: source (3,0), time 39.4083 ms>
>>> <arbor.spike: source (4,0), time 51.9081 ms>
>>> <arbor.spike: source (5,0), time 64.2902 ms>
>>> <arbor.spike: source (6,0), time 76.7706 ms>
>>> <arbor.spike: source (7,0), time 89.1529 ms>
>>> <arbor.spike: source (8,0), time 101.641 ms>
>>> <arbor.spike: source (9,0), time 114.125 ms>

Recording samples



A location or component of a cell that is available for monitoring (see arbor.recipe.num_probes, arbor.recipe.get_probes and arbor.cable_probe as references).


A record of data corresponding to the value at a specific probe at a specific time.

sampler/sample recorder

A function that receives a sequence of sample records.

Samples and sample recorders

In order to analyze the data collected from an arbor.probe the samples can be recorded.


class arbor.trace_sample

The sample time [ms] at a specific probe.


The sample record at a specific probe.

class arbor.sampler

Initialize the sample recorder.


A list of the recorded samples of a probe with probe id.

Sampling interface:

arbor.attach_sampler(sim, dt)

Attach a sample recorder to an arbor simulation. The recorder will record all samples from a regular sampling interval [ms] (see arbor.regular_schedule) matching all probe ids.

arbor.attach_sampler(sim, dt, probe_id)

Attach a sample recorder to an arbor simulation. The recorder will record all samples from a regular sampling interval [ms] (see arbor.regular_schedule) matching one probe id.

import arbor

# Instantiate the simulation.
sim = arbor.simulation(recipe, decomp, context)

# Build the sample recorder on cell 0 and probe 0 with regular sampling interval of 0.1 ms
pid = arbor.cell_member(0,0) # cell 0, probe 0
sampler = arbor.attach_sampler(sim, 0.1, pid)

# Run the simulation for 100 ms

# Print the sample times and values
for sa in sampler.samples(pid):
>>> <arbor.sample: time 0 ms,       value -65>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 0.1 ms,     value -64.9981>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 0.2 ms,     value -64.9967>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 0.3 ms,     value -64.9956>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 0.4 ms,     value -64.9947>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 0.475 ms,   value -64.9941>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 0.6 ms,     value -64.9932>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 0.675 ms,   value -64.9927>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 0.8 ms,     value -64.992>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 0.9 ms,     value -64.9916>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 1 ms,       value -64.9912>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 1.1 ms,     value -62.936>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 1.2 ms,     value -59.2284>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 1.3 ms,     value -55.8485>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 1.375 ms,   value -53.663>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 1.475 ms,   value -51.0649>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 1.6 ms,     value -47.9543>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 1.7 ms,     value -45.1928>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 1.8 ms,     value -41.7243>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 1.875 ms,   value -38.2573>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 1.975 ms,   value -31.576>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 2.1 ms,     value -17.2756>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 2.2 ms,     value 0.651031>
>>> <arbor.sample: time 2.275 ms,   value 15.0592>