A detailed single-cell model

We can expand on the single segment cell example to create a more complex single-cell model, and go through the process in more detail.


Concepts covered in this example:

  1. Building a morphology from a arbor.segment_tree.

  2. Building a morphology from an SWC file.

  3. Writing and visualizing region and locset expressions.

  4. Building a decor.

  5. Discretising the morphology.

  6. Setting and overriding model and cell parameters.

  7. Running a simulation and visualising the results using a arbor.single_cell_model.

The cell

We start by building the cell. This will be a cable cell with complex geometry and dynamics which is constructed from 3 components:

  1. A morphology defining the geometry of the cell.

  2. A label dictionary storing labelled expressions which define regions and locations of interest on the cell.

  3. A decor defining various properties and dynamics on these regions and locations. The decor also includes hints about how the cell is to be modelled under the hood, by splitting it into discrete control volumes (CV).

The morphology

We begin by constructing the following morphology:


This can be done by manually building a segment tree. The important bit here is that append will take an id to attach to and return the newly added id. This is exceptionally handy when building a tree structure, as we can elect to remember or overwrite the last id. Alternatively, you could use numeric ids — they are just sequentially numbered by insertion order — but we find that this becomes tedious quickly. The image above shows the numeric ids for the specific insertion order below, but different orders will produce the same morphology.

# Construct an empty segment tree.
tree = A.segment_tree()

# The root of the tree has no parent
root = A.mnpos

# The root segment: a cylindrical soma with tag 1
# NOTE: append returns the added segment's id, which we can use to
#       attach the next segments.
soma = tree.append(root, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0), (40.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0), tag=1)

# Attach the first section of the dendritic tree with tag 3 to the soma
# up to the first fork
dend = tree.append(soma, (40.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8), ( 80.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.8), tag=3)
dend = tree.append(dend, (80.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8), (120.0, -5.0, 0.0, 0.8), tag=3)

# Construct the upper part of the first fork
# NOTE: We do not overwrite the parent here, as we need to attach the
#       lower fork later. Instead, we use new names for this branch.
dend_u = tree.append(dend, (120.0, -5.0, 0.0, 0.8), (200.0,  40.0, 0.0, 0.4), tag=3)
dend_u = tree.append(dend_u, (200.0, 40.0, 0.0, 0.4), (260.0,  60.0, 0.0, 0.2), tag=3)

# Construct the lower part of the first fork
dend_l = tree.append(dend, (120.0, -5.0, 0.0, 0.5), (190.0, -30.0, 0.0, 0.5), tag=3)

# Attach another fork to the last segment, ``p``.
# Upper part
dend_lu = tree.append(dend_l, (190.0, -30.0, 0.0, 0.5), (240.0, -70.0, 0.0, 0.2), tag=4)
# Lower part
dend_ll = tree.append(dend_l, (190.0, -30.0, 0.0, 0.5), (230.0, -10.0, 0.0, 0.2), tag=4)
dend_ll = tree.append(dend_ll, (230.0, -10.0, 0.0, 0.2), (360.0, -20.0, 0.0, 0.2), tag=4)

# Construct the axon with tag 2, attaching to the root ``mnpos``, where its
# proximal end will be connected to the proximal end of the soma segment implicitly.
axon = tree.append(root, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0), (-70.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4), tag=2)
axon = tree.append(axon, (-70.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4), (-100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4), tag=2)

# Turn the segment tree into a morphology.
morph = arbor.morphology(tree);

The same morphology can be represented using an SWC file (interpreted according to Arbor’s specifications). We can save the following in single_cell_detailed.swc.

# id,  tag,      x,      y,      z,      r,    parent
    1     1     0.0     0.0     0.0     2.0        -1  # seg0 prox / seg9 prox
    2     1    40.0     0.0     0.0     2.0         1  # seg0 dist
    3     3    40.0     0.0     0.0     0.8         2  # seg1 prox
    4     3    80.0     0.0     0.0     0.8         3  # seg1 dist / seg2 prox
    5     3   120.0    -5.0     0.0     0.8         4  # seg2 dist / seg3 prox
    6     3   200.0    40.0     0.0     0.4         5  # seg3 dist / seg4 prox
    7     3   260.0    60.0     0.0     0.2         6  # seg4 dist
    8     3   120.0    -5.0     0.0     0.5         5  # seg5 prox
    9     3   190.0   -30.0     0.0     0.5         8  # seg5 dist / seg6 prox / seg7 prox
   10     4   240.0   -70.0     0.0     0.2         9  # seg6 dist
   11     4   230.0   -10.0     0.0     0.2         9  # seg7 dist / seg8 prox
   12     4   360.0   -20.0     0.0     0.2        11  # seg8 dist
   13     2   -70.0     0.0     0.0     0.4         1  # seg9 dist / seg10 prox
   14     2  -100.0     0.0     0.0     0.4        13  # seg10 dist


SWC samples always form a segment with their parent sample. For example, sample 3 and sample 2 form a segment which has length = 0. We use these zero-length segments to represent an abrupt radius change in the morphology, like we see between segment 0 and segment 1 in the above morphology diagram.

More information on SWC loaders can be found here.

The morphology can then be loaded from single_cell_detailed.swc in the following way:

# (1) Read the morphology from an SWC file.
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    print("No SWC file passed to the program, using default.")
    filename = Path(__file__).parent / "single_cell_detailed.swc"
elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
    filename = Path(sys.argv[1])
    print("Usage: single_cell_detailed.py [SWC file name]")

morph = A.load_swc_arbor(filename).morphology

We allow passing of any valid SWC file so you can easily experiment with your own morphologies but employ some Python magic to grab the default file which lives in the same directory as the example. In general, using a data file for constructing morphologies should be preferred.

The label dictionary

Next, we can define region and location expressions and give them labels. The regions and locations are defined using an Arbor-specific DSL, and the labels can be stored in a arbor.label_dict.


The expressions in the label dictionary don’t actually refer to any concrete regions or locations of the morphology at this point. They are merely queries that can be applied to any morphology, and depending on its geometry, they will generate different regions and locations. However, we will show some figures illustrating the effect of applying these expressions to the above morphology in order to better visualize the final cell.

More information on region and location expressions is available here.

The SWC file format allows the association of tags with parts of the morphology and reserves tag values 1-4 for commonly used sections (see here for the SWC file format). In Arbor, these tags can be added to a arbor.label_dict using the add_swc_tags() method, which will define

Default SWC Tags












Basal dendrite



Apical dendrite

You can alternatively define these regions by hand, using

labels = arbor.label_dict({
  "soma": "(tag 1)",
  "axon": "(tag 2)",
  "dend": "(tag 3)",
  "apic": "(tag 4)",

Both ways will generate the following regions when applied to the previously defined morphology:


From left to right: regions “soma”, “axon”, “dend” and “last”

We can also define a region that represents the whole cell; and to make things a bit more interesting, a region that includes the parts of the morphology that have a radius greater than 1.5 μm. This is done in the following way:

        "gt_1.5": '(radius-ge (region "all") 1.5)',
        # Join regions "apic" and "gt_1.5"

This will generate the following regions when applied to the previously defined morphology:


Left: region “all”; right: region “gt_1.5”

By comparing to the original morphology, we can see region “gt_1.5” includes all of segment 0 and part of segment 9.

Finally, let’s define a region that includes two already defined regions: “last” and “gt_1.5”. This can be done as follows:

        "custom": '(join (region "apic") (region "gt_1.5"))',
        # Locsets:

This will generate the following region when applied to the previously defined morphology:


Our label dictionary so far only contains regions. We can also add some locations. Let’s start with a location that is the root of the morphology, and the set of locations that represent all the terminal points of the morphology.

        "root": "(root)",
        "terminal": "(terminal)",
        # Add a label for the terminal locations in the "custom" region:

This will generate the following locsets (sets of one or more locations) when applied to the previously defined morphology:


Left: locset “root”; right: locset “terminal”

To make things more interesting, let’s select only the terminal points which belong to the previously defined “custom” region and, separately, the terminal points which belong to the “axon” region:

        "custom_terminal": '(restrict-to (locset "terminal") (region "custom"))',
        # Add a label for the terminal locations in the "axon" region:
        "axon_terminal": '(restrict-to (locset "terminal") (region "axon"))',

This will generate the following 2 locsets when applied to the previously defined morphology:


Left: locset “custom_terminal”; right: locset “axon_terminal”


We show the use of the label dictionary here, but everywhere a label is valid, you can use the DSL expression directly, so

decor.paint('(all)', arbor.density("pas"))

is perfectly acceptable, as is

all = '(all)'
decor.paint(all, arbor.density("pas"))

The decorations

With the key regions and location expressions identified and labelled, we can start to define certain features, properties, and dynamics of the cell. This is done through a arbor.decor object, which stores a mapping of these “decorations” to certain region or location expressions.


Similar to the label dictionary, the decor object is merely a description of how an abstract cell should behave, which can then be applied to any morphology, and have a different effect depending on the geometry and region/locset expressions.

More information on decors can be found here.

The decor object can have default values for properties, which can then be overridden on specific regions. It is in general better to explicitly set all the default properties of your cell, to avoid the confusion of having simulator-specific default values. This will, therefore, be our first step:

        Vm=-55 * U.mV,
        tempK=300 * U.Kelvin,
        rL=35.4 * U.Ohm * U.cm,
        cm=0.01 * U.F / U.m2,
        int_con=10 * U.mM,
        ext_con=140 * U.mM,
        rev_pot=50 * U.mV,
    .set_ion("k", int_con=54.4 * U.mM, ext_con=2.5 * U.mM, rev_pot=-77 * U.mV)
    # Override the cell defaults.

We have set the default initial membrane voltage mV, the default initial temperature, the default axial resistivity, and the default membrane capacitance. Also, the initial properties of the na and k ions have been changed. They will be utilized by the density mechanisms that we will be adding shortly. For both ions we set the default initial concentration and external concentration measures; and we set the default initial reversal potential. For the na ion, we additionally indicate that the progression on the reversal potential during the simulation will be dictated by the Nernst equation. In the case that defaults are not set at the cell level, there is also a global default, which we will define later.

It happens, however, that we want the temperature of the “custom” region defined in the label dictionary earlier to be colder, and the initial voltage of the “soma” region to be higher. We can override the default properties by painting new values on the relevant regions using arbor.decor.paint().

    .paint('"custom"', tempK=270 * U.Kelvin)
    .paint('"soma"', Vm=-50 * U.mV)
    # Paint density mechanisms.

With the default and initial values taken care of, we now add some density mechanisms. Let’s paint a pas density mechanism everywhere on the cell using the previously defined “all” region; an hh density mechanism on the “custom” region, and an Ih density mechanism on the “end” region. The Ih mechanism has a custom ‘gbar’ parameter.

    .paint('"all"', A.density("pas"))
    .paint('"custom"', A.density("hh"))
    .paint('"dend"', A.density("Ih", gbar=0.001))
    # Place stimuli and detectors.

The decor object is also used to place stimuli and threshold detectors on the cell using arbor.decor.place(). We place 3 current clamps of 2 nA on the “root” locset defined earlier, starting at time = 10, 30, 50 ms and lasting 1ms each. As well as threshold detectors on the “axon_terminal” locset for voltages above -10 mV. Every placement gets a label. The labels of detectors and synapses are used to form connections from and to them in the recipe.

    .place('"root"', A.iclamp(10 * U.ms, 1 * U.ms, current=2 * U.nA), "iclamp0")
    .place('"root"', A.iclamp(30 * U.ms, 1 * U.ms, current=2 * U.nA), "iclamp1")
    .place('"root"', A.iclamp(50 * U.ms, 1 * U.ms, current=2 * U.nA), "iclamp2")
    .place('"axon_terminal"', A.threshold_detector(-10 * U.mV), "detector")
    # Set discretisation: Soma as one CV, 1um everywhere else


The number of individual locations in the 'axon_terminal' locset depends on the underlying morphology and the number of axon branches in the morphology. The number of detectors that get added to the cell is equal to the number of locations in the locset, and the label 'detector' refers to all of them collectively. If we want to refer to a single detector from the group (to form a network connection for example), we need a arbor.selection_policy.

Finally, there’s one last property that impacts the behavior of a model: the discretisation. Cells in Arbor are simulated as discrete components called control volumes (CV). The size of a CV has an impact on the accuracy of the results of the simulation. Usually, smaller CVs are more accurate because they simulate the continuous nature of a neuron more closely.

The user controls the discretisation using a arbor.cv_policy. There are a few different policies to choose from, and they can be composed with one another. In this example, we would like the “soma” region to be a single CV, and the rest of the morphology to be comprised of CVs with a maximum length of 1 μm:

    .discretization('(replace (single (region "soma")) (max-extent 1.0))')

Finally, we create the cell.

cell = A.cable_cell(morph, decor, labels)

The model

Having created the cell, we construct an arbor.single_cell_model.

model = A.single_cell_model(cell)

The global properties

The global properties of a single-cell model include:

  1. The mechanism catalogue: A mechanism catalogue is a collection of density and point mechanisms. Arbor has 3 built-in mechanism catalogues: default, allen and bbp. The mechanism catalogue in the global properties of the model must include the catalogues of all the mechanisms painted on the cell decor. The default is to use the default_catalogue.

  2. The default parameters: The initial membrane voltage; the initial temperature; the axial resistivity; the membrane capacitance; the ion parameters; and the discretisation policy.


You may notice that the same parameters can be set both at the cell level and at the model level. This is intentional. The model parameters apply to all the cells in a model, whereas the cell parameters apply only to that specific cell.

The idea is that the user is able to define a set of global properties for all cells in a model which can then be overridden for individual cells, and overridden yet again on certain regions of the cells.

You may now be wondering why this is needed for the single cell model where there is only one cell by design. You can use this feature to ease moving from simulating a set of single-cell models to simulating a network of these cells. For example, a user may choose to individually test several single cell models before simulating their interactions. By using the same global properties for each model, and customizing the cell global properties, it becomes possible to use the cell descriptions of each cell, unchanged, in a larger network model.

Earlier in the example we mentioned that it is better to explicitly set all the default properties of your cell, while that is true, it is better yet to set the default properties of the entire model:

    Vm=-65 * U.mV, tempK=300 * U.Kelvin, rL=35.4 * U.Ohm * U.cm, cm=0.01 * U.F / U.m2
    "na", int_con=10 * U.mM, ext_con=140 * U.mM, rev_pot=50 * U.mV, method="nernst/na"
    "k", int_con=54.4 * U.mM, ext_con=2.5 * U.mM, rev_pot=-77 * U.mV

We set the same properties as we did earlier when we were creating the decor of the cell, except for the initial membrane voltage, which is -65 mV as opposed to -55 mV.

During the decoration step, we also made use of 3 mechanisms: pas, hh and Ih. As it happens, the pas and hh mechanisms are in the default Arbor catalogue, whereas the Ih mechanism is in the “allen” catalogue. We can extend the default catalogue as follows:

# second string parameter that can prefix the name of the mechanisms to avoid
# collisions between catalogues in this case we have no collisions so we use an
# empty prefix string.
model.properties.catalogue.extend(A.allen_catalogue(), "")

Now all three mechanisms in the decor object have been made available to the model.

The probes

The model itself is ready for simulation, except that the only output we would be able to measure at this point is the spikes from the threshold detectors placed in the decor.

The arbor.single_cell_model can also measure the voltage on specific locations of the cell. We can indicate the location we would like to probe using labels from the label_dict:

# Add a voltage probe on "custom_terminal"
model.probe("voltage", where='"custom_terminal"', tag="Um", frequency=50 * U.kHz)

The simulation

The cell and model descriptions are now complete and we can run the simulation:

model.run(tfinal=100 * U.ms, dt=25 * U.us)

The results

Finally we move on to the data collection segment of the example. We have added a threshold detector on the “axon_terminal” locset. The arbor.single_cell_model automatically registers all spikes on the cell from all threshold detectors on the cell and saves the times at which they occurred.

print(len(model.spikes), "spikes recorded:")
for s in model.spikes:
    print(f" * t={s:.3f} ms")

A more interesting result of the simulation is perhaps the output of the voltage probe previously placed on the “custom_terminal” locset. The model saves the output of the probes as [time, value] pairs which can then be plotted. We use pandas and seaborn for the plotting, but the user can choose any other library:

df = pd.concat(
                "t/ms": t.time,
                "U/mV": t.value,
                "Location": str(t.location),
                "Variable": t.variable,
        for t in model.traces


The following plot is generated. The orange line is slightly delayed from the blue line, which is what we’d expect because branch 4 is longer than branch 3 of the morphology. We also see 3 spikes, corresponding to each of the current clamps placed on the cell.


The full code

You can find the full code of the example at python/examples/single_cell_detailed.py.