
File extension





NMODL is a DSL for describing ion channel and synapse dynamics that is used by NEURON, which provides the mod2c compiler parses dynamics described in NMODL to generate C code that is called from NEURON.

Arbor has an NMODL compiler, modcc, that generates optimized code in C++ and CUDA, which is optimized for the target architecture. NMODL does not have a formal specification, and its semantics are often ambiguous. To manage this, Arbor uses its own dialect of NMODL that does not allow some constructions used in NEURON’s NMODL.


We hope to replace NMODL with a DSL that is well defined, and easier for both users and the Arbor developers to work with in the long term. Until then, please write issues on our GitHub with any questions that you have about getting your NMODL files to work in Arbor.

This page is a collection of NMODL rules for Arbor. It assumes that the reader already has a working knowledge of NMODL.


Arbor doesn’t support unit conversion in NMODL. This table lists the key NMODL quantities and their expected units.





v / v_peer








diameter (cross-sectional)



current_density (density mechanisms)

identifier defined using NONSPECIFIC_CURRENT


conductivity (density mechanisms)

identifier inferred from current_density equation e.g. in i = g*v g is the conductivity


current (point and junction mechanisms)

identifier defined using NONSPECIFIC_CURRENT


conductance (point and junction mechanisms)

identifier inferred from current equation e.g. in i = g*v g is the conductance


ion X current_density (density mechanisms)



ion X current (point and junction mechanisms)



ion X reversal potential



ion X internal concentration



ion X external concentration




  • Arbor recognizes na, ca and k ions by default. Any new ions used in NMODL need to be explicitly added into Arbor along with their default properties and valence (this can be done in the recipe or on a single cell model). Simply specifying them in NMODL will not work.

  • The parameters and variables of each ion referenced in a USEION statement are available automatically to the mechanism. The exposed variables are: internal concentration Xi, external concentration Xo, reversal potential eX and current iX. It is an error to also mark these as PARAMETER, ASSIGNED or CONSTANT.

  • READ and WRITE permissions of Xi, Xo, eX and iX can be set in NMODL in the NEURON block. If a parameter is writable it is automatically readable and doesn’t need to be specified as both.

  • If Xi, Xo, eX, iX are used in a PROCEDURE or FUNCTION, they need to be passed as arguments.

  • If Xi or Xo (internal and external concentrations) are written in the NMODL mechanism they need to be declared as STATE variables and their initial values have to be set in the INITIAL block in the mechanism.

Special variables

  • Arbor exposes some parameters from the simulation to the NMODL mechanisms. These include v, diam, celsius and t in addition to the previously mentioned ion parameters.

  • These special variables should not be ASSIGNED or CONSTANT, they are PARAMETER. This is different from NEURON where a built-in variable is declared ASSIGNED to make it accessible.

  • diam and celsius are set from the simulation side.

  • v is a reserved variable name and can be read but not written in NMODL.

  • dt is not exposed to NMODL mechanisms.

  • area is not exposed to NMODL mechanisms.

  • NONSPECIFIC_CURRENTS should not be PARAMETER, ASSIGNED or CONSTANT. They just need to be declared in the NEURON block.

Functions, procedures and blocks

  • SOLVE statements should be the first statement in the BREAKPOINT block.

  • The return variable of FUNCTION has to always be set. if without associated else can break that if users are not careful.

  • Any non-LOCAL variables used in a PROCEDURE or FUNCTION need to be passed as arguments.

Unsupported features

  • Unit conversion is not supported in Arbor (there is limited support for parsing units, which are just ignored).

  • Unit declaration is not supported (ex: FARADAY = (faraday)  (10000 coulomb)). They can be replaced by declaring them and setting their values in CONSTANT.

  • FROM - TO clamping of variables is not supported. The tokens are parsed and ignored. However, CONSERVE statements are supported.

  • TABLE is not supported, calculations are exact.

  • derivimplicit solving method is not supported, use cnexp instead.

  • VERBATIM blocks are not supported.

  • LOCAL variables outside blocks are not supported.

  • INDEPENDENT variables are not supported.

Arbor-specific features

  • Arbor’s NMODL dialect supports the most widely used features of NEURON. It also has some features unavailable in NEURON such as the POST_EVENT procedure block. This procedure has a single argument representing the time since the last spike on the cell. In the event of multiple detectors on the cell, and multiple spikes on the detectors within the same integration period, the times of each of these spikes will be processed by the POST_EVENT block. Spikes are processed only once and then cleared.

    Example of a POST_EVENT procedure, where g is a STATE parameter representing the conductance:

    POST_EVENT(t) {
       g = g + (0.1*t)
  • Arbor allows a gap-junction mechanism to access the membrane potential at the peer site of a gap-junction connection as well as the local site. The peer membrane potential is made available through the v_peer variable while the local membrane potential is available through v, as usual.


Many mechanisms make use of the reversal potential of an ion (eX for ion X). A popular equation for determining the reversal potential during the simulation is the Nernst equation. Both Arbor and NEURON make use of nernst. Arbor implements it as a mechanism and NEURON implements it as a built-in method. However, the conditions for using the nernst equation to change the reversal potential of an ion differ between the two simulators.

1. In Arbor, the reversal potential of an ion remains equal to its initial value (which has to be set by the user) over the entire course of the simulation, unless another mechanism which alters that reversal potential (such as nernst) is explicitly selected for the entire cell. (see Reversal potential dynamics for details).

2. In NEURON, there is a rule which is evaluated (under the hood) per section of a given cell to determine whether or not the reversal potential of an ion remains constant or is calculated using nernst. The rule is documented here and can be summarized as follows:

Examining all mechansims on a given section, if the internal or external concentration of an ion is written, and its reversal potential is read but not written, then the nernst equation is used continuously during the simulation to update the reversal potential of the ion. And if the internal or external concentration of an ion is read, and its reversal potential is read but not written, then the nernst equation is used once at the beginning of the simulation to caluclate the reversal potential of the ion, and then remains constant. Otherwise, the reversal potential is set by the user and remains constant.

One of the main consequences of this difference in behavior is that in Arbor, a mechanism modifying the reversal potential (for example nernst) can only be applied (for a given ion) at a global level on a given cell. While in Neuron, different mechanisms can be used for calculating the reversal potential of an ion on different parts of the morphology. This is due to the different methods Arbor and NEURON use for discretising the morphology. (A region in Arbor may include part of a CV, where as in NEURON, a section``can only contain full ``segments).

Modelers are encouraged to verify the expected behavior of the reversal potentials of ions as it can lead to vastly different model behavior.