Cable cell morphologies

Cell morphologies are required to describe a Cable cells. Morphologies can be constructed directly, or read from a number of file formats; see Constructing cell morphologies for details.

Morphology API


TODO: Describe morphology methods.

Constructing cell morphologies


TODO: Description of segment trees.

The stitch-builder interface

Like the segment tree, the stich_builder class constructs morphologies through attaching simple components described by a pair of mpoint values, proximal and distal. These components are mstitch objects, and they differ from segments in two regards:

  1. Stitches are identified by a unique string identifier, in addition to an optional tag value.

  2. Stitches can be attached to a parent stitch at either end, or anywhere in the middle.

The ability to attach a stitch some way along another stitch dictates that one stitch may correspond to more than one morphological segment once the morphology is fully specified. When these attachment points are internal to a stitch, the corresponding geometrical point is determined by linearly interpolating between the proximal and distal points.

The required header file is arbor/morph/stitch.hpp.

mstitch has two constructors:

mstitch::mstitch(std::string id, mpoint prox, mpoint dist, int tag = 0)
mstitch::mstitch(std::string id, mpoint dist, int tag = 0)

If the proximal point is omitted, it will be inferred from the point at which the stitch is attached to its parent.

The stitch_builder class collects the stitches with the add method:

stitch_builder::add(mstitch, const std::string& parent_id, double along = 1.)
stitch_builder::add(mstitch, double along = 1.)

The first stitch will have no parent. If no parent id is specified for a subsequent stitch, the last stitch added will be used as parent. The along parameter must lie between zero and one inclusive, and determines the point of attachment as a relative position between the parent’s proximal and distal points.

A stitched_morphology is constructed from a stitch_builder, and provides both the morphology built from the stitches, and methods for querying the extent of individual stitches.

class stitched_morphology
stitched_morphology(const stitch_builder&)

Construct from a stitch_builder. Note that constructing from an rvalue is more efficient, as it avoids making a copy of the underlying tree structure.

arb::morphology morphology() const

Return the constructed morphology object.

region stitch(const std::string &id) const

Return the region expression corresponding to the specified stitch.

std::vector<msize_t> segments(const std::string &id) const

Return the collection of segments by index comprising the specified stitch.

label_dict labels(const std::string &prefix = "") const

Provide a label_dict with a region entry for each stitch; if a prefix is provided, this prefix is applied to each segment id to determine the region labels.

Example code, constructing a cable cell from a T-shaped morphology specified by two stitches:

using namespace arb;

mpoint soma0{0, 0, 0, 10};
mpoint soma1{20, 0, 0, 10};
mpoint dend_end{10, 100, 0, 1};

stitch_builder builder;
builder.add({"soma", soma0, soma1, 1});
builder.add({"dend", dend_end, 4}, "soma", 0.5);

stitched_morphology stitched(std::move(builder));
cable_cell cell(stitched.morphology(), stitched.labels());

cell.paint("\"soma\"", "hh");

Supported morphology formats

Arbor supports morphologies described using the SWC file format and the NeuroML file format.


Arbor supports reading morphologies described using the SWC file format. And has three different interpretation of that format.

A parse_swc() function is used to parse the SWC file and generate a swc_data object. This object contains a vector of swc_record objects that represent the SWC samples, with a number of basic checks performed on them. The swc_data object can then be used to generate a morphology object using one of the following functions: (See the morphology concepts page for more details).

class swc_record
int id

ID of the record

int tag

Structure identifier (tag).

double x

x coordinate in space.

double y

y coordinate in space.

double z

z coordinate in space.

double r

Sample radius.

int parent_id

Record parent’s sample ID.

class swc_data
std::string metadata

Contains the comments of an SWC file.

std::vector<swc_record> records

Stored the list of samples from an SWC file, after performing some checks.

swc_data parse_swc(std::istream&)

Returns an swc_data object given an std::istream object.

morphology load_swc_arbor(const swc_data &data)

Returns a morphology constructed according to Arbor’s SWC specifications.

morphology load_swc_allen(const swc_data &data, bool no_gaps = false)

Returns a morphology constructed according to the Allen Institute’s SWC specifications. By default, gaps in the morphology are allowed, this can be toggled using the no_gaps argument.

morphology load_swc_neuron(const swc_data &data)

Returns a morphology constructed according to NEURON’s SWC specifications.

Identifying sites and subsets of the morphology


TODO: Region and locset documentation.

Translating regions and locsets to cables and locations


TODO: mprovider, mextent and thingify.

From morphologies to points and segments

The morphology class has the branch_segments method for returning a vector of msegment objects that describe the geometry of that branch. However, determining the position in space of an mlocation, for example, requires some assumptions about how to position points which fall inside a morphological segment.

The place_pwlin class takes a morphology (and optionally an isometry) and interprets it as describing a piecewise-linear object in space. It can then be queried to find the 3-d positions in space of points on the morphology and the extents in space of morphological sub-regions.

Because the morphology need not be contiguous in space, a position query can potentially give more than one possible answer. Similarly, a description of a cable in terms of segments or partial segments in space may include multiple zero-length components as a result of such discontinuities.

class place_pwlin
place_pwlin(const morphology&, const isometry& = isometry())

Construct a piecewise linear placement of the morphology in space, optionally applying the given isometry.

mpoint at(mlocation) const

Return any single point corresponding to the given mlocation in the placement.

std::vector<mpoint> all_at(mlocation) const

Return all points corresponding to the given mlocation in the placement.

std::vector<msegment> segments(const mextent&) const

Return any minimal collection of segments and partial segments whose union is coterminous with the given mextent in the placement.

std::vector<msegment> all_segments(const mextent&) const

Return the maximal set of segments and partial segments whose union is coterminous with the given mextent in the placement.


The one cellular morphology may be used to represent multiple cable cells which are in principle sited in different locations and orientations. An explicit isometry allows the one morphology to be repositioned so as to answer location queries on such cells.

An isometry consists of a rotation and a translation. Isometries can be composed; as interpreted by Arbor, translations are always regarded as being relative to the absolute, extrinsic co-ordinate system, while rotations are interpreted as intrinsic rotations: rotations are always applied with respect to the coordinate system carried with the object, not the absolute co-ordinate axes.

class isometry

Construct an identity isometry.

static isometry translate(double x, double y, double z)

Construct a translation (x, y, z) with respect to the extrinsic coordinate system.

template<typename Point>
static isometry translate(const Point &p)

Construct a translation (p.x, p.y, p.z) from an arbitrary object with the corresponding public member variables.

static isometry rotate(double theta, double x, double y, double z)

Construct a rotation of theta radians about the axis (x, y, z) with respect to the intrinsic coordinate system.

template<typename Point>
static isometry translate(double theta, const Point &p)

Construct a rotation of theta radians about the (p.x, p.y, p.z) from an arbitrary object with the corresponding public member variables.

template<typename Point>
Point apply(Point p) const

The Point object is interpreted as a point in space given by public member variables x, y, and z. The isometry is applied to the point (x, y, z), and a copy of p is returned with the new coordinate values.

isometry operator*(const isometry &a, const isometry &b)

Compose two isometries to form a new isometry which applies the intrinsic rotation of b, and then the intrinsic rotation of a, together with the translations of both a and b.