A single cell model

Building and testing detailed models of individual cells, then optimizing their parameters is usually the first step in building models with multi-compartment cells. Arbor supports a single cell model workflow for this purpose, which is a good way to introduce Arbor’s cell modelling concepts and approach.

This guide will walk through a series of single cell models of increasing complexity. Links are provided to separate documentation that covers relevant topics in more detail.

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Single segment cell with HH dynamics

The most trivial representation of a cell in Arbor is to model the entire cell as a single cylinder. The following example shows the steps required to construct a model of a cylindrical cell with radius 3 μm, Hodgkin–Huxley dynamics and a current clamp stimulus, then run the model for 30 ms.

The first step is to construct the cell. In Arbor, the abstract representation used to define a cell with branching “cable” morphology is a cable_cell, which holds a description of the cell’s morphology, named regions and locations on the morphology, and descriptions of ion channels, synapses, spike detectors and electrical properties.

Our “single-segment HH cell” has a simple morphology and dynamics, so the steps to create the cable_cell that represents it are as follows:

import arbor

# (1) Create a morphology with a single (cylindrical) segment of length=diameter=6 μm
tree = arbor.segment_tree()
tree.append(arbor.mnpos, arbor.mpoint(-3, 0, 0, 3), arbor.mpoint(3, 0, 0, 3), tag=1)

# (2) Define the soma and its center
labels = arbor.label_dict({'soma':   '(tag 1)',
                           'center': '(location 0 0.5)'})

# (3) Create cell and set properties
cell = arbor.cable_cell(tree, labels)
cell.paint('"soma"', 'hh')
cell.place('"center"', arbor.iclamp( 10, 2, 0.8))
cell.place('"center"', arbor.spike_detector(-10))

Let’s unpack that.

Step (1) above shows how the cell is represented using a arbor.segment_tree to which a single segment is added. Arbor’s cell morphologies are constructed from a segment tree which is a list of segments, which are tapered cones with a tag. arbor.segment_tree.append() takes 4 arguments, starting with the parent segment. The first segment added has no parent, which is made clear by using arbor.mnpos. Then two arbor.mpoint s are supplied, the proximal and distal endpoints of the segment. Finally, an integer value is supplied to tag the segment for future reference.

In step (2) a dictionary of labels is created using arbor.label_dict. Cell builders need to refer to regions and locations on a cell morphology. Arbor uses a domain specific language (DSL) to describe regions and locations, which are given labels. We add two labels:

  • soma defines a region with (tag  1). Note that this corresponds to the tag parameter that was used to define the single segment in step (1).

  • center defines a location at (location 0 0.5), which is the mid point 0.5 of branch 0, which corresponds to the center of the soma on the morphology defined in step (1).

In step (3) a arbor.cable_cell is constructed by combining the segment tree with the named regions and locations.

  • “Cell-wide” properties are set through arbor.cable_cell.set_properties(). Here, the initial membrane potential is set to -40 mV everywhere on the cell.

  • Properties can also be set to a region of the cell, which Arbor calls ‘painting’. This is meant to convey placement is not precise: we wouldn’t want to manually place ion channels all over the surface of the cell. arbor.cable_cell.paint() lets us instruct Arbor to use HH dynamics on the region we’ve labelled soma and sort the details out for us.

  • Other properties should be added to the cell on a precise arbor.location. This is done using the arbor.cable_cell.place method. We place a current stimulus arbor.iclamp with a duration of 2 ms and a current of 0.8 nA, starting at 10 ms on the location we’ve labelled ‘center’. We also place a arbor.spike_detector with a threshold of -10 mV on the same location.

Single cell model

Great, we have defined our cell! Now, let’s move on to the simulation. Arbor is able to simulate networks with multiple individual cells; this requires a recipe to describe the cells, connections, gap junctions, etc. However, for single cell models, arbor does not require the recipe to be provided by the user. Arbor provides a arbor.single_cell_model helper that wraps a cell description and creates a recipe under the hood, providing an interface for recording potentials and running the simulation more easily.

# (4) Make single cell model.
m = arbor.single_cell_model(cell)

# (5) Attach voltage probe sampling at 10 kHz (every 0.1 ms).
m.probe('voltage', '"center"', frequency=10000)

# (6) Run simulation for 30 ms of simulated activity.

Step (4) instantiates the arbor.single_cell_model with our single-compartment cell.

In step (5) a arbor.single_cell_model.probe() is used to record variables from the model. Three pieces of information are provided: the type of quantity we want probed (voltage), the location where we want to probe (‘“center”’), and the frequency at which we want to sample (10kHz).

Finally, step (6) starts the actual simulation for a duration of 30 ms.


Our cell and model have been defined and we have run our simulation. However, we have not seen any results! Let’s take a look at what the spike detector and a voltage probes from our model have produced.

# (7) Print spike times, if any.
if len(m.spikes)>0:
    print('{} spikes:'.format(len(m.spikes)))
    for s in m.spikes:
    print('no spikes')

# (8) Plot the recorded voltages over time.
import pandas, seaborn # You may have to pip install these.
seaborn.set_theme() # Apply some styling to the plot
df = pandas.DataFrame({'t/ms': m.traces[0].time, 'U/mV': m.traces[0].value})
seaborn.relplot(data=df, kind="line", x="t/ms", y="U/mV").savefig('single_cell_model_result.svg')

In step (7) we access arbor.single_cell_model.spikes to access the spike time. A single spike at a little over 10 ms should be printed, which matches the stimulus we have provided in step (3).

The other measurement we have is that of the potential, which we plot in step (8). Arbor stores sampled quantities under arbor.single_cell_model.traces. You should be seeing something like this:


Plot of the potential over time for the voltage probe added in step (5).

You can find the source code for this example in full at python/examples/single_cell_model.py.


Add equivalent but more comprehensive recipe implementation in parallel, such that the reader learns how single_cell_model works.